Saturday, March 1, 2014

Who Move The World?

What actually moving the world?

Let's break down to details. We have to first look at the our world, what actually it is: a mere existences and emptiness, I.e. Yin Yang.

What will happened when all the molecules in the world are packed together as one, and there will be a mass and a vast emptiness, with complete silence!

When the mass split into two within the emptiness, or space...

It's, then, the first math come into picture: how much mass does each pieces have? How's the division ratio, perfect half? etc.

Then it's physic: what forces take in place for the breaking? What is the shape / colour / size / character of the mass? Are then share the same characteristics? What is the distance between two objects (existences)? What is the link in between them? etc.

When each of the existences split into two again...
(that means we have 4 existences now)

Many of our known theories / perspectives /senses will start to coming into the picture, such as chemistry, biology, art, preference, value, etc.

When they continue to split into smaller particles, countless times...

Thus, our current world is formed.

Somewhere along the course, some particles may join together became bigger object... We called this as "reaction", chemically or physically.

Some might say this is the wrath of God, or the natural phenomena.

It seems so simple that everything happened is only because of the changes of the existence within the emptiness. But why do human want to know what is controlling the changes? And always been creating different nouns to explain this almighty force.

Because of greed, human want to be the ruler, the controller or the manipulator of this force. Which is impossible at all!

Just imagine if a cell in a human body trying to be independent, and want to take control of the whole body, what would happened in such case? As the cell is part of the whole body, and the cell itself has no power for decision making by its own, but if such case happened, the body will be sick, and the cell will be described as cancer cell.

So, the greed of human being is a plague to the universe. But don't worry, the nature has its own way to defend such thing.

I supposed, human is not the first creature that having such greed, and won't be the last, but the universe has gone on still.

This will be the effect here...