Monday, November 12, 2007

Fact or Fiction?

What is fact? What is fiction, on the other hand?

"Fact" could be explained in "something which most people believe", and "fiction" is something opposite. When a fiction is being repeat, repeat and repeat, it'll slowly becoming fact.

wiwt would give this example: DRAGON.

In the western community, most people believe that dragon is a winged creature, long neck and tail, blazing, four legs, etc.

In the East, the impression of dragon is totally different, which discribe a dragon as a horned crocodile-like creature, flying without wing, etc.

At the end, you can see a lot of artifact potrait dragon, buildings, scruptures, 3D toys, and so on.

Now, dragon should be fact or fiction?

Another example, you've been told that you don't look healthy today, in a row, by 3 friends of yours, you would propably ring your doctor for appointment.

In this case, "you don't look healthy today" should be fact or fiction?

Applying the same rule, "you can't make it", "you are looser", "you are poor", "you are lazy", "you are hopeless", "you are bla-bla-bla", all sort of damn you receive everyday, from your friend or even you yourself, would probably come true.

wiwt suggest, keep saying "you are smart", "you are great", "you are healthy", "you are rich and wealthy", "you are evergetic", "you are superb", to your friend and yourself. You can feel the changes from "fiction" to "fact".

Fact or fiction doesn't metter, the effect and impact does!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Sand Bag? Rocky Bag?

In a training camp, trainees are told to carry either one, a sand bag(5kg) and a rocky bag(7kg), along the whole training route.

'You'll have to climb up the hill, swim through the river, and walk pass the swampy ground. The whole journey would be around 5 miles,' instructor told the trainees.

By knowing the distance of the journey, most trainees choose the 5 kg sand bag, instead of heavier 7 kg rocky bag.

At the finishing line, those who chosen the rocky bag succeeded, the rest failed. After swim through the river, the 5 kg sand bag become 10 kg, but the rocky bag remain 7 kg.


wiwt says, the story tells, everyone have to go through life, either to suffer early or double later.

Most people didn't sacrifice enjoyment in life in their early age, by start saving and invest, that's why the have to suffer in the elderly life.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Earn, Spend, Save vs Earn, Save, Spend

In most cases, people are uses to the following formula: (Formula I)

(Earnings) - (Spendings) = [(Savings) + (Investments)]

In wiwts' point of view, the following formula would be better: (Formula II)

(Earnings) - [(Savings) + (Investments)] = (Spendings)

Isn't it?
Earnings can be any source of income: salary, interest, dividend, rental collection, etc.
Savings indicated an amount of money that put aside without touching it.
Investments can be like anything ranging from Mutual Fund, Equity, Derivative, Real Estate, etc.
Spendings means an amount of money to be turn into materials, that cannot generate any source of income.

From wiwt's observation, most of the people are facing financial problems, where "too many things to buy but little cash in hand". The main reason is , they tend to follow the 1st formula, instead of the 2nd.

The ideal calculation for Formula II
(Age 21-30)
Savings should be 15% of Earnings
should be 25% of Earnings

(Age 31-40)
Savings should be 20% of Earnings
should be 20% of Earnings

(Age 41-50)
Savings should be 30% of Earnings
should be 10% of Earnings

(Age 51-60)
Savings should be 35% of Earnings
should be 5% of Earnings

In order to achieve Formula II, a person should be debt free. For a person in debt, he/she should reduce 5% from each Savings and Investments and put 10% for DEBT.
This will be the effect here...